This version first released with FNS10 Financial Services Training Package version 5.0. Based in Epsom Surrey, Medina, was incorporated in 2005 to offer consultancy and a range of client driven collection services for non consumer credit overdue accounts, specifically Social Housing overdue rent accounts and Housing Benefit. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for Accounts formed under the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Prior to ING, Joy was an analyst in the Investment Banking group at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette. Credit insurance, securities, Credit Agreements Act, Usury Act, Magistrates Court Act.

ASIC has specified that representatives offering mortgage broking services must undertake 20 hours of CPD each year. Because of our structure we are able to offer bespoke debt recovery services designed specifically for each individual client and its business needs. Aisha earned her degree in Public Administration Financial Management from California State University, Dominguez Hills. Phil is the Co-Head of RCM and a member of the RCM Investment Committee and of the Merchant Banking Management Committee. Apply knowledge of the financial services industry to their professional practice. The emphasis in this part of the course is on preparing the student for a management management

The team at Medina have over 30 years operational experience, a significant number of these in delivering services to large FTSE 250 companies, Central Government, Local Authorities and Not for Profit Organisations. Prior to that, Joy was a Vice President in the Media & Entertainment Structured Finance group at ING Capital. Prior to joining RCM (North America) in 2015, Todd was a Credit Research Analyst at Bradford & Marzec.

CPD requirements for Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia (MFAA) membership are set over and above ASIC requirements of 20 hours per year. Actions, notes and documents can be linked at either invoice or debtor level, providing up-to-date history of credit related communications.

With a prime focus on capital preservation, our conservative management style looks to deliver consistent above market returns through superior asset selection and diligent portfolio monitoring to identify and exit at the first signs of credit weakness.

By Kay