New Business Ideas

If you or your business reside in New York, the SBDC can maneuver you around the obstacles to success. Our guest for todays show, Darren Hardy, believes if every entrepreneur knew their journey was going to be a roller coaster – and knew the necessary skills to master that ride – there would be far fewer business failures and many more success stories.

GE Fuel Cells has the speed and agility of a start-up, yet has access to the breadth and strength of GE. By leveraging technology from the Global Research Center, GE operating tools and processes, access to world class experts, established supply and market channels GE Fuel Cells developed a new industrial business at an unprecedented pace.

Investments in QNBVs made by angel investors, angel investment networks and qualified venture capital funds are eligible to receive a tax credit equal to 25 percent of the amount of the equity investment through the Early-Stage Business Investment Program.

The specific challenge addressed by this topic is to enable SMEs in traditional and new sectors, collaborative economy and creative sectors, cultural heritage and the social economy as well as collaborative public service creation to innovate and grow across traditional boundaries, through new business models and organisational change.

SMEs, including social enterprises and cultural actors, can build their growth on business model innovation, taking into account new opportunities arising from servitisation, from individual empowerment, from a more collaborative economy, from opening up government data and services and from the pervasive use of new business