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On the 10th of October 2016, members of the Regional Finance and Tax Committee met with Ms Wai Ling LOU, Principal Tax Specialist (Tax Policy & International Tax Division) at the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) to discuss the prevalent developments touching on risks and IRAS’s mutual agreement procedure and advance pricing arrangement.

I plan on sending a letter to the local Regional Finance office in San Antonio, TX and Corporate office documenting the company’s harassment and threatening efforts, and if I need to take this further with legal proceedings, I will certainly do so. This company has an all-around bad reputation from state to state, so beware!

Slow progress is in part attributable to the difficult policy choices facing governments between national, regional and international programs as well as multi-regional agendas caused by multiple memberships in regional economic communities (RECs) and the difficulty of giving up national ownership of market infrastructure.

Dato’ Subromaniam Tholasy, Director of Customs at the Royal Malaysian Customs Department, was invited by EuroCham’s Regional Finance & Tax Committee together with Mr Robert Tsang, head of Deloitte’s Asia-Pacific and Southeast Asia Indirect Practices (24.09.2014).