Users had been required to make use of their cell phone number to join for Telegram, just like different end-to-end encrypted messaging apps like Signal and WhatsApp. While Telegram maintains that your phone number is rarely seen to unknown people, it’s still an identifier that inherently stops you short of full anonymity. Speaking of tech corporations enjoying politics, Microsoft is still making an attempt to get its Activision Blizzard deal over the line. Its latest transfer is the announcement of a 10-year cope with Nintendo to bring Call of Duty to the Japanese company’s consoles, putting strain on Sony to simply accept a similar deal. The worst of the global chip shortage might now be behind us, however the desire to get more processors manufactured in the US hasn’t gone away. So it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that both Apple CEO Tim Cook and POTUS himself Joe Biden noticed fit to attend the launch of chip-maker TSMC’s upcoming Arizona facility.

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