Unfortunately, off-page SEO is less effective than on-page SEO. The reason for this is that off-page SEO is harder to measure and thus comes with a lower quality. However, off-page SEO is also where you get the quality backlinks needed to rank well in the search engines.
The Bad And The Good Of On-Page SEO
On-page SEO is very easy to measure and it can be done by looking at the title tags, meta tags, page rank, and inserted keywords within the content itself. Off-page SEO is basically getting the same quantity of backlinks with similar anchor text attached to it. For example, if you have a site about Dog Training and it has a thousand links to various sites with the anchor text of “Dog Training”, then it is going to be pretty hard to rank for a high level keyword like “Dog Training”.
The main advice on off-page SEO is to secure text links with your target keyword anchor text. For example, if we are trying to rank for a keyword that is in the description and the meta tag, then the best way to go about it is to get a bunch of high quality backlinks that have the keyword in the anchor text. Then, when the spider comes across your links, it will see the link and hopefully index the page.
The main reason why I say this is because it provides a higher quality backlink because it is very obvious that the sites linking to you are relevant to your topic. Second, it is very easy to get links from other website owners; just ask them to place your link on their website and then wait for the spider to come across your link and index your site.
Off-Page SEO Link Building
The third type of SEO link building is through submitting your site to different web directories. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of web directories on the internet, some will take a while while others will just quickly add your site to their database. To be honest, there is no surefire way of making sure your website gets added to a web directory, it almost happens by happenstance. However, one thing that is known is that web directories will not add your website if it does not have the appropriate category. So before you submit your website to a web directory, read the guidelines and choose a category that will be appropriate to your website.
Choosing The Right Keywords
When you are ready to start marketing your business, your first step would be to do a little keyword research. There are multiple sites that offer keyword research and the best way to go about it is to use the free keyword search tools that are available on the internet. This is because these tools will help you find the best keywords to use when promoting your business. The problem that you should face is that these tools lead you to keyword phrases that are too competitive even if they sound good. This is because these are the kind of keywords that are used by webmasters that really know their business inside and out. This means that the competition is already stiff when you start going for these keywords.
The next step you should do when heading for keyword research is to figure out the search volume of your keyword. This means the amount of people that are doing searches every month using the keyword. You can find the search volume by using the search tool that is included in the main navigation of any site. Just key in the keyword in the search box and you will be led to the search volume overview should you need it. You can then double-underline the keywords that are most relevant to your website. This will show you how many webmasters are using these particular keywords to be able to rank their websites in the search engine.
The search tool will also give you concrete counts on the amount of competition for the keyword. Remember that the competition is not only site owners, but also other site owners who are also targeting the same keyword. This means that you will have to be very active when it comes to promoting your website with these keywords. You can promote your website by doing article marketing, blogging and participating in some forms of social media.
The search tool can also help you determine the number of searches that are done for a specific keyword. If you are planning on promoting your site and making it a success, you should focus on the keywords that have the highest search volumes and the lowest competition. You can use our search tool to determine the competition for a specific keyword. If there are too many competitors for the keywords you want to promote, then you should pick out those keywords that have a lot less competition.
There are a lot of useful free tools that you can use when performing your keyword research. You can use the search tool of Google to perform your initial keyword research and get all you know about the top ten search engines right away!