Many of the most prosperous businesses in America began inside of someone’s home. If you have a home based business that is outgrowing its space, it may be time to move to a new location. You can benefit from having an actual store front where clients can come as well as having your home be a place of refuge from work once more.
The location of your business is crucial to its continued success. Chances are that most of your clientele is from the area surrounding your home. Staying within the same neighborhood can be beneficial. Finding a new location in close proximity to your house will allow your current customers to continue using your services, and you will be close enough that getting used to a commute won’t be a problem. In addition, commercially zoned areas will make your business more visible to others.
The move to an actual business location may give your clients a way to come to you more easily for your services or products. They will no longer feel like an intruder in your home. Keep in mind that the look of your new space will form a first impression in others. Create a positive image for your business with the interior and exterior design of your new location. Commercial interior design firms such as Design Republic can help you with this by creating a warm and inviting space for your customers.
Your goal should be to let existing customers know that you have moved while drawing in new clientele. This is done through publicity. Consider having an open house to celebrate the new location. Invite established customers and advertise the event for those that may not have heard of you before now. Make it Coordinate the event with sales and bounce back offers. You can also offer incentives to your clients to refer others to your business.
These few tips will help you get headed in the right direction when the time comes to move your business from your home to a retail location. Whether you work in sales, retail, or services, you will find many benefits to expanding into a new location.