There are three main formats for CVs: chronological, skills-based and the combination of both. But which one will allow you to enhance your application? Recruiters will only spend a few seconds reading your resume at first. In other words, the organization of information must be as clear as possible to catch their attention immediately. It means that you must choose the right CV format according to your profile. Get more details in this article.
The Chronological CV
The chronological CV is not aptly named, it should be called the anti-chronological CV since it presents your diplomas and experiences from most recent to oldest ones. If you want to know what format for a cv recruiters appreciate the most, it is this one thanks to the great clarity it offers at first glance. It gives them a precise overview of the candidate’s background. This CV format is particularly recommended to people who have had a linear career with homogeneous skills in the same field. For example, it is perfect for you if you are a senior engineer who has worked your entire career in the same sector, gradually climbing the ranks. It also suits young graduates whose career began without a hitch. Just be careful because it tends to highlight holes in the resume.
The Skills-Based CV
With this format, your experiences are not structured according to dates but to your major areas of expertise, listed in order of relevance according to the position sought. The skills-based CV is recommended if you are proficient in different sectors and want to showcase that versatility. This type of CV is also recommended if you have had a retraining or if you believe that your associative experiences are as important as your professional experiences. It has the advantage of bringing them up to the same level. Finally, this CV structure allows you to clearly display what sets you apart from other candidates.
The Combination CV
The combination CV consists of highlighting a few of your key skills at the beginning of the document before describing your work experiences in reverse chronological order. It combines the need for clarity and the ability to showcase the key skills for the job. This CV format is particularly effective for management profiles, which must underline both their versatility and their career progression. It is also ideal for technical profiles with specialised skills.